EPSD is partnering with Englewood Health to offer free covid-19 vaccinations children ages 5-11 years old. The event is dedicated solely to Englewood children and will take place on Wednesday, November 17th at the Englewood Hospital. Information to schedule an appointment will be sent out tomorrow. Thank you.
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
Please see attached notice of Special Public Meeting of the Englewood BOE on Monday, November 8, 2021 https://5il.co/11d1k
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
Please see attached: https://5il.co/11b9j
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
Free Flu Vaccine Clinic
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
Please see attached notice of Special Public Meeting of the Englewood BOE on Thursday, October 28, 2021 https://5il.co/10zt7
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
Please see attached notice of Public Meeting of the Englewood BOE on Thursday, October 21, 2021 https://5il.co/1048b
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
The Registration Office will be closed from Wednesday, October 6 through Friday, October 8. The office will reopen on Monday, October 11. The registration process can be started immediately online by completing step 1 "pre-registration" in Genesis. Thank you.
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
The Dwight Morrow School Store is now open! Find items that we have picked out specifically for our school. There is also spiritwear available for your family and friends. Check out the shop details below: OUR SHOP DETAILS: Shop Now: https://www.bsnteamsports.com/shop/DWTMRW657 Store Open From: September 24 - September 30, 2021. GO RAIDERS!
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
The city of Englewood has immediate opening for Crossing Guards for our schools. For more details: http://cityofenglewood.org/filestorage/9306/9308/11238/11240/Crossing_Guards.pdf
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
Reminder - RESCHEDULED Public Meeting of the Englewood BOE is tomorrow evening, Thursday, September 23, 2021 https://5il.co/y83j
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
The Registration Office will be closed on Tuesday, September 21 from 9:30am to 11:30am and on Thursday, September 23 from 8am to 4pm. Please email registrar@epsd.org for assistance. Thank you.
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
Emergency Food Pop-Up Distribution Saturday Sep 18, call 551-225-8090 to schedule an appointment. See email for more details.
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
Flyer - see link for PDF version
Reminder - all schools and the central office will be closed tomorrow, Thursday September 16th, in observance of Yom Kippur.
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
Food Drive
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
Food Drive
This has been a very trying time for our community. The school district is working diligently to help those most affected by this devastating storm. Currently, we will have four of our school buildings open for the first day of school on Thursday, September 9. We are working around-the-clock to get Greico open on Thursday as well. If we can open Grieco, only the 2nd and 3rd floors will be utilized for instruction. Additional notification will go out on Wednesday afternoon. The EPSD community outreach phone number (862-666-1228) is set up for families to contact us for food, clothing, personal items, school supplies, and counseling services. We are partnering with the Bergen Family Center for continued support. We are here for our students, families, and the community. Do not hesitate to use our community outreach line for help. Please stay safe and well during these extremely difficult times. Este ha sido un momento muy difícil para nuestra comunidad. El distrito escolar está trabajando diligentemente para ayudar a los más afectados por esta devastadora tormenta. Actualmente, tendremos cuatro de nuestros edificios escolares abiertos para el primer día de clases el jueves 9 de septiembre. Estamos trabajando las veinticuatro horas del día para que Greico abra también el jueves. Si podemos abrir Grieco, solo el segundo y tercer piso se utilizarán para instrucción. La notificación adicional se enviará el miércoles por la tarde. El número de teléfono de alcance comunitario de EPSD (862-666-1228) está configurado para que las familias se comuniquen con nosotros para solicitar alimentos, ropa, artículos personales, útiles escolares y servicios de asesoramiento. Nos estamos asociando con el Bergen Family Center para brindar apoyo continuo. Estamos aquí para usted y no dude en utilizar nuestro alcance comunitario para obtener ayuda. Por favor, manténgase seguro durante estos tiempos extremadamente difíciles.
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
Englewood Public School District Community Outreach EPSD students experiencing loss, trauma, anxiety, or concern are invited to contact one of our School Counselors on Wednesday, September 8th from 8am to 2pm. To connect with a School Counselor, send a text to 862-666-1228 or email us at communityoutreach@epsd.org. Se invita a los estudiantes de EPSD que sienten perdida, trauma, ansiedad, or preocupacion a que se comuniquen con nuestros Consejeros el miercoles 8 de septiembre de 8 hasta 2. Para hablar con nuestros Consejeros, mande un texto a 862-666-1228 o mande un correo electronico a communityoutreach@epsd.org. See flyer: https://5il.co/yl1o
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
Support Assistance Service Help
All EPSD families in need are invited to pick up gently used clothing, cleaning supplies, toiletries, and personal items. Dwight Morrow High School Gym Wednesday, September 8th 9am to 2pm Se invita a todas las familias de EPSD a recoger ropa usada, articulos de limpieza, y cosas personales. Gimnasio de Dwight Morrow High School Miercoles 8 de septiembre 9 hasta 2 See Flyer: https://5il.co/ykhm
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
Donated Items
Today, Tuesday 9/7, EPSD is collecting the items listed below for our families and community. Please take all donations to the DMHS gym lobby by 4pm. Thank you for your continued support! new or gently used clothing toiletries and personal items (shampoo, soap, toothpaste) household items (sheets, towels, blankets) cleaning supplies school supplies
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
EPSD would like to support our students, families, and the community as we recover from the recent flooding. If you are in need of support, please contact us in one ways listed below. • Send us a list of your needs • email us at communityoutreach@epsd.org • text us at 862-666-1228 • call us at 862-666-1228 on Saturday, 9/4-Wednesday, 9/8 between 9am-2pm A EPSD le gustaría apoyar a nuestros estudiantes, familias y la comunidad mientras nos recuperamos de las recientes inundaciones. Si necesita ayuda, comuníquese con nosotros de una de las formas siguientes. • Envíenos una lista de sus necesidades • envíenos un correo electrónico a communityoutreach@epsd.org • envíenos un mensaje de texto al 862-666-1228 • llámenos al 862-666-1228 el sábado 4 de septiembre al miércoles 8 de septiembre de 9 a.m. a 2 p.m. See flyer: https://5il.co/yhgs
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton
Tomorrow at 11 am we will be distributing food at JDMS to any families who need it . Anyone in need of food is welcome. Please wear a mask and observe social distancing. Mañana a las 11 am estaremos distribuyendo comida en JDMS a las familias que la necesiten. Cualquiera que necesite comida es bienvenido. Use una máscara y observe el distanciamiento social.
over 3 years ago, Naomi Morton