Vaccine Clinic at DMHS
June 20th
3:30 - 5:30
Register: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=79jnr_NoWEKaqQCNd-DYpuITglQeFQNPtRY63Iggl6dUMklBQU84U0paOFNHRDJQSU9JNFlVNDlCWS4u

Since our schools will be used for voting on Tuesday June 7th, we will have a virtual school day.
A meal bag will be available from 11 am to 1 pm at Janis Dismus Middle School. We will return to in-school instruction on Wednesday June 8th. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Please see attached notice of the Special Public Meeting of the Englewood BOE on Thursday, June 2, 2022 https://5il.co/1b88i

Please see attached notice of the Special Public Meeting of the Englewood BOE on Thursday, May 19, 2022 for the purpose of interviewing board member candidates https://5il.co/1aajs

Please see attached notice of the Rescheduled Public Meeting of the Englewood BOE on Thursday, May 26, 2022 https://5il.co/1aaj7

Missed last week’s Board of Education meeting? Recordings of all BOE Zoom meetings (in English and with Spanish subtitles) can be found on the EPSD website, here: https://www.epsd.org/page/boe-public-meeting-videos-copy

Please see attached notice of the Rescheduled Public Meeting of the Englewood BOE on Thursday, April 28, 2022 https://5il.co/18yno

The Englewood Public School District will offer free COVID-19 testing for EPSD students and staff members during spring break only on Thursday, April 14 from 2:00-3:00pm in the Dwight Morrow High School Cafeteria. Testing information and registration directions can be found on the covid data, testing, and information webpage. https://www.epsd.org/page/covid-19-resources-and-information

Thank you to Eastwick College and their LPN students for partnering with Ms. Manche and DMHS.

Due to the four days which we were forced to close for severe weather, we must make adjustments to our school calendar.
The last day of school is now June 22nd, and other end of year dates have been updated accordingly.
Please see updated calendar attached: https://5il.co/s2bc
Please also see updated schedule for moving up ceremonies and DMHS graduation: https://5il.co/17jr3

Please see attached notice of a Public Meeting of the Englewood BOE on Thursday, March 17, 2022 https://5il.co/171fa

Due to inclement weather, all EPS schools and central office will be closed today. Stay safe and we will see you on Monday.

EPSD is proud to offer tuition-free, full day Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten programs to children currently residing in the City of Englewood. Our programs provide instruction in language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and the related arts. The curriculum supports all
learners, including English and dual-language learners, advanced learners, and children with disabilities.
See flyer to register: https://5il.co/162cz

If you were unable to attend yesterday's Board of Education meeting, and would like to view the recording, it is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QciP4UCsB3E
If you would like to review previous meetings, all the links are on our website here: https:/www.epsd.org/page/boe-public-meeting-videos

Everything you need for the New Jersey Earned Income Tax Credit (NJEITC), all in one place. https://www.state.nj.us/treasury/media/njeitc/

Reminder - The district will be closed this Friday, February 18, 2022 and Monday, February 21, 2022 for Presidents' Day observance.

Please see attached notice of a Public Meeting of the Englewood BOE on Thursday, February 17, 2022 https://5il.co/15ilf

The Englewood Public School District is offering free COVID-19 vaccination for everyone 5 years and older and free covid-19 boosters for everyone 12 years and older! Vaccines are free regardless of insurance or immigration status.
Sunday, February 13th
Dwight Morrow High School
See flyer for registration link: https://5il.co/15c3q

Please see attached Notice of Special Public Meeting on February 28, 2022 at 5:00 pm. https://5il.co/15abz

Due to the winter advisory alert that is in effect for northwest New Jersey, which includes Bergen County, and the threat of severe icing conditions on the walkways and roadways either as students would be leaving if we had an early dismissal or a regular dismissal, the Englewood public school system will be closed Friday Feb. 4th. I am sorry for any inconvenience, but I am not comfortable with either scenario to chance the safety our students and staff.