Complete la encuesta para cada niño.

EPSD Parent/ Guardian consent form and release for Video/ Audio Conferencing (English) Please complete the survey for each child: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=79jnr_NoWEKaqQCNd-DYprJ4Jh4a1q1PiOPXkXekq4xURFBVMzlIRFFCSldWNlBMUFRJTVFPN1k4Ri4u

Please see attached Notice of Special Public Meeting scheduled for May 5, 2020: https://5il.co/fdz0

Please see attached Notice of Special Public Meeting scheduled for Friday April 24, 2020 @ 2:00 PM https://5il.co/fdyz

Tomorrow, April 22 at 10 am there will be a custodial RFP opening- please click the link to access the zoom link: https://5il.co/fd3s

Please click the link to access "How To" videos regarding virtual learning: https://www.epsd.org/o/epsd/browse/122810

Mental Health Covid19 link for resources and support: http://www.teachercoach.com/njasa

Please see attached notice of time change for the BOE meeting this Thursday, April 16th: https://5il.co/f2de

Parent/ Student Virtual Learning Platform Tutorials: https://5il.co/eqzs

Parents: Post attendance once a day on the Parent Portal.
Padres: Publique asistencia una vez al día en el Portal de Padres.

Please see the attached letter from the Superintendent regarding important updates: https://5il.co/eabk

Custodial, Grounds, Snow Removal request for proposal has been cancelled due to the Coronavirus health emergency. A new request for proposal will be posted on April 1, 2020.

Please see attached the Notice of Special Public Work Session Meeting scheduled for April 2, 2020: https://5il.co/e9vs

Please see the attached letter from the Superintendent regarding important updates https://5il.co/e66g

Please see the attached letter from the Superintendent regarding important updates: https://5il.co/e0t8

The walk through for the Custodial Services RFP has been cancelled for March 20, 2020 due to the coronavirus state mandates.

Please see the official revised meeting notice for tonight's BOE meeting: https://5il.co/dxq2

Please see the attached document regarding the BOE meeting tonight, March 19th: https://5il.co/dxms

Please note that for 60 days, Spectrum is offering free internet access for all students in homes currently without internet capabilities. The number to contact Spectrum is: 1 (844) 488-8398.

Please see the attached letter from the Superintendent regarding important updates: https://5il.co/dtit