You got this Grads! Virtual ceremonies kick off in a few days. Share with family and friends. https://dwightmorrow-hs.stageclip.com/ #gradAWAYtion #Classof2020 #MoveTheTassel

Please see attached: Public Notice of Cancelation for the previously scheduled BOE meeting on June 23rd: https://5il.co/hep3

Please see attached for information regarding Virtual Learning Assignments (Spanish Documents): https://5il.co/hdf8 & https://5il.co/hdfe

Please see attached for information regarding Virtual Learning Assignments (English Documents): https://5il.co/hdfa & https://5il.co/hdfa

Please see the following link for Summer Assignment Packets for Grades 1-8: https://www.epsd.org/o/epsd/browse/142004

Please see attached Notice of Public Meeting on June 23, 2020: https://5il.co/hbcz

Please see the attached flyer for information on Englewood Public Library's 2020 Summer Reading program: https://5il.co/hb45

Please see the attached flyer from the Englewood Health Department regarding Child Health Clinic: (English https://5il.co/h9xn) & (Spanish https://5il.co/h9xk)

Please see attached Notice of Public Meeting for June 18, 2020 at 7:00 PM: https://5il.co/h6eg click here to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82593365773

Please see flyer for information regarding-Virtual Summer School Entering Grades 1-8: https://5il.co/h4z0

Please see flyer for information regarding ESL Virtual Summer School Entering Grades 3-8: https://5il.co/h4yk

Please click here to join tonight's BOE Special Public Work Session Meeting @ 7:00 PM https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88692858321

Please see the attached flyer regarding Microsoft
Teams and OneNote Training for Parents and Students! English ( https://5il.co/gzff) Spanish (https://5il.co/gzfg)

Please see the following video for an important message from Mr. Kravitz on Racial Inequality:

Please click to see a message from Ms. Fernandez regarding the McCloud Virtual Art Show: https://5il.co/gu5g & click here to see McCloud Virtual Art Show 2020: https://5il.co/gu5f

Please see attached flyer for information regarding Open Enrollment for September 2020 for Pre-K & Kindergarten: https://5il.co/gr3i

Please see attached Notice of Special Public Work Session Meeting for June 9, 2020: https://5il.co/gqzh

This is a reminder that tonight (5/14) at 7pm is our Board of Education meeting. Please see the link attached: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83242567593

Please see attached Notice of Time Change for the Public BOE Meeting on May 14, 2020: https://5il.co/g1j5

Please see attached Notice of Special Public Meeting scheduled for Thursday April 30, 2020 @ 2:00 PM https://5il.co/fmk7