Pandemic EBT helps families buy groceries when students are learning remotely because of COVID.
Only students approved to receive free/low-cost school meals through the National School Lunch Program may qualify for P-EBT. To qualify for funds when they become available, parents and other caregivers must complete the free/reduced lunch application. https://5il.co/im6p
For more details, see attached letter. https://5il.co/slsp

Please see the attached Notice of CANCELLATION of the Special Public Meeting of the BOE on Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 5:30 p.m https://5il.co/sjoc

Next year's school calendar is posted here: https://5il.co/s2bc

Please see the attached Special Public Meeting of the BOE on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. (Zoom) Thursday, May 13, 2021 at 5:30 p.m https://5il.co/s22e

Please see the attached Public Budget Hearing on Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. (Zoom) https://5il.co/rr1e

Raider Nation,
For all of those who have hopes and dreams of participating in collegiate athletics, we invite you to join a free webinar on Tuesday April 20th at 7:00pm. Hosted by Jack Renkens and supported by all of the member schools of the Big North Conference. Please do not miss out on the possibility of learning a thing or two about the recruiting process and some of the insider tricks to help you get noticed. Registration link is below.
Parent/athletes zoom registration: http://bit.ly/Big-North-Conference
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mr. Armental, Athletic Director at jarmental@epsd.org
Joe Armental
Athletic Director
Dwight Morrow High School/Academies@Englewood
(201) 862-6047

Updated bus routes have been posted to the district website here: https://www.epsd.org/o/epsd/browse/61448

COVID-19 Daily Health Form: Instructions and Video
PDF: https://5il.co/rmcp
Video: https://www.epsd.org/o/epsd/page/parent-daily-covid-health-form

Please see the attached Public Board Meeting on Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. (Zoom) https://5il.co/rfq0

Click here to view the reopening plan: https://5il.co/r692

Important! School Reopening Survey Grades 6-12/Importante! La encuesta de reapertura de la escuela grados 6-12
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Please help us by completing the school reopening survey for grades 6-12. The survey can be found in your Genesis Parent Portal account..
Parent Portal: https://parents.genesisedu.com/englewood/parents
Estimado Padre / Tutor,
Ayúdenos completando la encuesta de reapertura de la escuela para los grados 6-12. La encuesta se puede encontrar en su cuenta de Genesis Parent Portal.
Portal para padres: https://parents.genesisedu.com/englewood/parents

Please see the attached Notice of Special Meeting of the Board of Education: https://5il.co/qrgd

Reminder - tomorrow is the last day for in-person registration for PreK and Kindergarten for the 2021-2022 school year. Virtual registration continues through March 25th.

Talent Competition open to anyone who lives in, worships in, or goes to school in Englewood, grades PreK - 12.

Poster/Poetry Contest open to all Englewood Students in grades K-12

Please see the attached Notice of RESCHEDULED Public Meeting of the Board: https://5il.co/qgu1

Please see the attached Notice of Special Meeting of the Board of Education: https://5il.co/qbuw

Please see the attached Notice of Cancellation of Private and Public Meeting: https://5il.co/qaf8

Please see the attached Notice of Special Meeting of the Board: https://5il.co/q574

Open enrollment for Quarles school has started, and we would like to remind the community that we are offering in person and virtual registration. Please see this brief video announcement:
English: https://5il.co/q33t
Spanish: https://5il.co/q33u