November 6, 2023
Calling ALL students, PreK - Grade 12! Design a logo and/or create a slogan for
our new Englewood Reads initiative . This
design will be broadcast on our website
and used o...
August 29, 2023
As required by law, our district has a detailed policy regarding harassment, Intimidation and Bullying, and another regarding how such beha...
February 16, 2023
Support Your Library!
The Friends of the Englewood Public Library are have a fundraiser at Mackay Ice Rink. See the flyer for more details.
January 10, 2023
Join us for a Pre-K Literacy Workshop Thursday, January 19, 2023 From: 8:30am-10:00am
January 10, 2023
Únete a nosotros para un Taller de Alfabetización para Pre-Kindergarten Jueves, 19 de enero del 2023 De: 8:30am-10:00am
November 21, 2022
November 21, 2022
Dear Englewood Public School District Students, Parents, Families, and Community,
We are deeply saddened to announce that our Superintendent of Schools, ...
July 29, 2022
After School Registration 2022-2023
Afterschool services will be provided daily when school is in session. Los servicios después de la escuela se proporcionarán todos los días ...
June 10, 2022
A medida que nos acercamos al final del año, celebremos todas las formas en que podemos divertirnos aprendiendo durante el verano. A continuación se muestra un programa de temas d...
June 10, 2022
As we approach the end of the year let's celebrate all the ways we can have fun learning during the summer. Below is a schedule of daily themes. Items in bold are the items that...
May 18, 2022
Parent Workshop - Virtual Trip to the Englewood Library: A Love for Reading
May 26, Thursday @ 6pm on ZOOM
Join us for a Virtual Trip to the Library to learn about all the r...
Programa de enriquecimiento de verano ofrecido en Bergen Family Center. Consulte el folleto adjunto.
May 12, 2022
Programa de enriquecimiento de verano ofrecido en Bergen Family Center. Consulte el folleto adjunto.
May 12, 2022
Summer Enrichment Program offered at Bergen Family Center. Please see the attached flyer.
March 16, 2022
Como ayudar a los niños pequeños con sentimientos grandes.
March 16, 2022
What Am I Feeling?
How to help small children deal with big feelings
Parent Workshop
March 2, 2022
El distrito escolar público de ENGLEWOOD se enorgullece de ofrecer programas gratuitos de Pre-Kindergarten y Kindergarten de día completo a los niños que actualmente residen e...
March 2, 2022
EPSD is proud to offer tuition-free, full day Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten programs to children currently residing in the City of Englewood. Our programs provide instructio...
February 14, 2022
Matemáticas a nuestro alrededor Taller para padres
February 9, 2022
Reserva las fechas para talleres de lectura temprana para padres/encargados de Kindergarten "Criar a un lector".
February 9, 2022
Save the date for the "Raising a Reader" Early Literacy Workshops.