Please come to the Superintendent Search Community Forum this Thursday March 16th at the John Grieco Elementary School from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm or you can participate over zoom via and press *9 to raise your hand.  Our Governing Board seeks to secure community input from parents, staff, students, alumni and residents as a vital part of this process. The search for a Superintendent is not only one of the most important responsibilities of the Governing Board; it is also a major investment to ensure our continued excellence for our students, -families, staff and the entire community of the Englewood School District.   We hope you can attend! 
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
Superintendent Search Survey Deadline Extended! Please complete the survey by Friday, March 17th at 8:00 a.m. English Spanish
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
We are hiring certified educators! See flyer for details:
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
Library Fundraiser at Mackey Ice Rink March 11. See flyer for details:
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
Support Your Library
Please come to the Superintendent Search Community Forum this Thursday March 9th at the John Grieco Elementary School from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm or you can participate over zoom via and press *9 to raise your hand.  Our Governing Board seeks to secure community input from parents, staff, students, alumni and residents as a vital part of this process. The search for a Superintendent is not only one of the most important responsibilities of the Governing Board; it is also a major investment to ensure our continued excellence for our students, -families, staff and the entire community of the Englewood School District.   We hope you can attend! 
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
Reminder - Teacher Development Day on Monday, March 6th. No school for students.
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
Due to inclement weather, the Englewood Public School District will have a delayed opening this morning on Tuesday, February 28, 2023. Schools will start two hours later than the usual start time. The morning bus route schedule is also delayed by two hours. Breakfast is served upon student arrival. The Extended Day program will begin at its normal time.
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
Due to inclement weather, the Englewood Public School District will have a delayed opening on Tuesday, February 28, 2023. Schools will start two hours later than the usual start time. The morning bus route schedule is also delayed by two hours. Breakfast is served upon student arrival.  Please watch for additional notifications throughout the night and early morning hours in the event of a change to the scheduled start time.
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
Please see attached notice of a Special Public Meeting of the Englewood BOE on Thursday, February 23, 2023
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
Please see below flyer for an upcoming presentation, Hidden In Plain Sight, being hosted at Dwight Morrow High School for parents, staff, and Englewood community. Hidden In Plain Sight is an opportunity for parents, teachers, and others who work with youth to experience and explore the simulated environment of a teenager and learn to spot signs of possible substance use and risky behavior. The presentation will be held on 2/28/23 at 6:00pm. The flyer has a QR code for registration, or click this link:
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
Hidden in Plain Sight
The Englewood Board of Education has scheduled a Public Meeting for Monday, February 13, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at Dr. John Grieco Elementary School. The meeting will immediately move to closed session to discuss items permitted under the Open Public Meetings Act and returning to open session at 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria at Dr. John Grieco Elementary School, 50 Durie Avenue, or you can click the link below to join the webinar. Telephone: +1 929 436 2866 Webinar ID: 880 9702 5970 If an individual joins the meeting over the phone, they may press *9 to raise their hand.
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
BOE Spanish Available
You're invited to join the Bergen County NAACP 3rd Annual Black History Month Health Fair! Saturday, February 11th from 10am to 2pm at Grieco Elementary School
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
Health Fair
Bergen Community College, Department of Dental Hygiene, is sponsoring free dental examinations, prophylaxis (cleaning), sealants, and fluoride treatments for the children ages 6 to 16. See flyer for details.
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
Bergen Community College, Department of Dental Hygiene, is sponsoring free dental examinations, prophylaxis (cleaning), sealants, and fluoride treatments for the children ages 6 to 16
El Departamento de Higiene Dental de Bergen Community College está patrocinando exámenes dentales, profilaxis (limpieza), selladores y tratamientos con flúor para los niños de 6 a 16 años de edad
Happy 100th day of school to all our students and staff!
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
Happy 100th Day of School!
We are hiring! Join us for In-Person Recruitment at the Bergen County Public Schools Education Job Fair Saturday, March 25 9am-2pm
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
EPSD presents an Information Session for PreK-3, PreK-4, and Kindergarten - February 15th at 6 pm at Quarles School.
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
EPSD presents an Information Session for PreK-3, PreK-4, and Kindergarten - February 15th at 6 pm at Quarles School.
EPSD presents an Information Session for PreK-3, PreK-4, and Kindergarten - February 15th at 6 pm at Quarles School.
Please see attached revised notice of the Rescheduled Public Meeting of the Englewood BOE on Monday, February 13, 2023
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
Please see attached REVISED notice of a Special Public Meeting of the Englewood BOE on Thursday, January 26, 2023. The meeting will be virtual.
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton
Please see attached notice of a Special Public Meeting of the Englewood BOE on Thursday, January 26, 2023
about 2 years ago, Naomi Morton